Guestbook Please feel free to leave us your comments about us or about our trip! Just click here to add your comments!
i found your site very interesting, thanks, juliet Jokes <[email protected]> Miami, FL USA - do dream's come true??? if so i might not know how to act on that! R. Meredith <[email protected]> Mountain home, ID U.S.A. - Best of luck to you. I know what you're experiencing. In 1970, my younger brother (who was 14 at the time) and I rode bicycles from Alamosa, Colorado, to Anchorage Alaska. John Westbrook <[email protected]> Taipei, Taiwan - You guys are fantastic! You really lend credibility to the human race. Great work. Sincerely, Terry Telford, Terry Telford <[email protected]> Askim, XX Norway - hey fellows, i have been away from the net for a while. read what's been going on, and guess what i have a 12 day vacation coming up at the end of january, and i have never been to canada, so e=mail me of call me @405-314-2493 cause i want to fly up and see you guys, i promised to come see you guys in the end of january and that is what i plan to do. michael arthurs <[email protected]> manhattan, ks usa - I think that my good friend Thomas J said it best, I am proud of you for all you have acomplished. Ian, you are someone I really admire and it is a same it took you to bike 5000 km's for me to realize it. I wish you both all the best and hope to see you soon. Mike <[email protected]> Edmonton, Alberta Canada - well boyz, if only words could express how proud i am of you guys and for what you've accomplished. i must say that when this trip began it didn't look very promising, if promising at all. but you guys kept going and made it further than leduc and well, congratualtions! It is indeed a dissapointment that the trip has ended early, but maybe it was supposed to end early, so i hope that whatever you guys set out to find will be found in the future if it hasn't been already. Magnus, good luck in TB buddy, i can't wait for the western cdn lag of your tour to come by so we can get ryetarded. Peej, good work and i'll see ya at the pub soon. your faithful meisus follower- thomas J Thomas J <[email protected]> etown, - Hi Ian! Catch some rays for us in Florida. Merry Christmas and may your New Year be filled with happiness. Lots of love, Uncle Joe and Aunt Carla Joe and Carla Correia <[email protected]> Toronto, ON - Lets go boys there is time for some more entries, let us know what is going on. Ian, correct me if I am wrong, but do those last picture look like you have obtained some legs? Mike <[email protected]> Edmonton, Alberta Canada - I would have to agree with Thomas J and say that we need some more entries to read at work while we are bored. Has alcohol taken over your lives to the extent that you pass out every night not even realizing that you have kept all of your fathfull followers in suspence?? Keep drinking in sunny Florida but at least write us a drunk fact I think I would prefer that. Amanda A <[email protected]> e-town, AB Canada - well magnus, i hope u can press on buddy, if not, see ya soon and we'll fire up the rye. peace out!!! tee - pj, its balksie... ive been following you for a while now. keep it real. best of luck. ps. watch out for those mad american drivers. perhaps the hand is sore because you are lonely.. lol balks <[email protected]> edm, ab can - ok i don't know about everyone else, but when i'm bored as hell at work i need some journal entries to read. needless to say, we haven't had any recent entries notifying us how u guys are doing. so here i am bored like a mo fo, hoping i'd have something to do this morning, but no! i realize u guys are busy guys sunbathing all damn day, but for the love of god, gimme something to do while i suffer here. thanks fellas, see ya soon! cheers! thomas j <[email protected]> e, - Did you needing a haircut have anything to do with being hit by a car? Just kidding, Tammy says to say hi.Went to stonehouse the other day, it's just not the same without you!! Hope to see you soon so quit playing in traffic. takecare. Tanis <[email protected]> Edmonton, ab canada - Just wanted to say Yo...yo! Florida eh, sweet. It was minus 24 here the other day, without any snow too, that sucks. Anyway, congrats on the first leg of your adventure. Good luck on the other 7 you big 8 legged freak you. Heh, later. Dustin <[email protected]> Meadow Lake, Sk Canada - I haven't signed this thing in awhile. It also hasn't been signed by any super stars yet either. So really I am killing two birds with one stone. Hey Jonesy, where's your comments about Pj being hit by a car? I was looking forward to reading that one. Herc Magnuson <[email protected]> Tampa Bay, Florida USA - There's only one thing I like better than takin the piss outta ya pj and that's when Jones takes the piss outta ya. How funny is that kid?! I think he's one up ya now, how do ya feel about that? Nice work, Jones. love you boys Allana <[email protected]> Thailand - congrats on getting to florida boyz. keep up the good work! and for the love of god,please get a damn haircut...ur making us only want to see pics of the scenery. cheers! tee cee <[email protected]> here, there everywhere - Another thought for you boys: "If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." -Thomas Edison Maggie Edmonton, AB Canada - Hope you guys are enjoying your camping experience right now while we are eating McDonalds and watching Spider Man. Wish you were here watching it with us.......and......get a haircut!! Margaret and Shawna Canada kicks ass!!!, - Good luck to you both on your very long trip.That is somthing I would have liked to try when I was your age.I wish we could have goten aquainted a little sooner,I will be checking on the web site to see how you are getting along. Frank Frank Bregar <[email protected]> Bay St. Louis, Ms. USA - oh good I see we've resorted to poetry, so let me get this your noble, cultured and sensitve? I have to go I'm gonna be sick. Before I go just wondering how many drunken barstool "adventures" will take place upon your return until I no longer have to hear about your bike trip.....this is a question I do not look forward to answering. Jonesy Victoria, - HI GUYS, I'VE BEEN READING YOUR JOURNAL ENTRIES AND ALL I CAN SAY IS"WOW"! I JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW THAT YOU HAVEN'T BEEN FORGOTTEN ABOUT , IN FACT YOU ARE OFTEN THE TOPIC OF CONVERSATION...ALL GOOD THINGS OF COURSE. I WILL PRAY THAT THE WIND BLOWS AT YOUR BACK TO BRING YOU HOME FASTER. KNOW THAT YOU ARE MISSED, TAKECARE. TANIS TANIS <[email protected]> EDMONTON, AB CANADA - hey guys, sounds like the trip is getting crazier and crazier. still jealous that you are out of kansas. i'll be giving you a call sometime this week. trying to get my vacation request and need to figure out what days you guys are arriving there. oh by the way, i bought the new foo fighters cd last night, can't give you reccomendation yet, anyway, keep on trucking! mike <[email protected]> - Man, was I ever envious when I read your diary entries from this past month... killer times already, and you've sure put some miles past you too. Way to go guys! I finished off the article on adventure charity, finally, using your story to bookend the piece -- and I hope painting a good picture of what you're getting to do. I also managed to plug the website. My prof liked it and suggested I try Western Living magazine, so hopefully we can get Meisus out to the public a little bit... I'll keep you posted. Enjoy Louisiana! Jeremy <[email protected]> Vancouver, BC Canada - Hey guys great meeting you. Good luck with the trip. Let us know when and where we can meet up in south america. Ehhh... Scott Scott <[email protected]> Dallas, Tx. usa - Man, you guys rock...Ehhhh! This was one hell of a weekend, much like normal (rockin, freakin, tireless, and crazy), but with 2 new friends added to the bunch....really good friends. It's not everyday you meet people you just hit it off with in a matter of minutes. It was great having you guys with us in Dallas, you are now Texans as far as I'm concerned, and Costa Rica....HELL YEA! I'll start my nap now to prepare. Thanks guys, good luck, god bless and see ya both very soon. Texas Todd Todd Murphy <[email protected]> Dallas, Texas USA - whats up? Geoff here from sunshine bike shop. just checked out the page, it too cool! hope you guys had fun in springfield. Good luck, Ill hit oyou back later. PEACE!! geoff springfield, mo usa - Well it seems like quotes are pretty popular, so here ya go guys. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. -Aristotle Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress. -- Nicholas Murray Butler Not i - not anyone else can travel that road for you, you must travel it for yourself -- Walt Whitman I hope these help you on your journey, if not, well what can ya do. good luck guys! tc <[email protected]> etown, ab ca - Congratulations you guys on your 2 months on the road I'm very proud to have a son like you who wont gaveup when things are tough,and never let your freinds down .Again congratulations to you both. Gloria H - It's not because things are difficult that people don't try it is because they don't try that they are difficult -- Senica So keep on trying and keep the optimim high...everything will work itself out! Let me know if you need a place to stay when you are in Atlanta. As you seem to find many people who appear out of neat coinicdences that are willing to give you many things you may already have a place. Keep smiling and have fun! Sandra <[email protected]> Edmonton, AB - You know I'm not positive how many states/provinces you've been through now,(I just read the journal entries but I'll be danmed if you two are worth the effort of double checking), but I believe it to be in the vacinity of six. Now what is amazing about this is not that you've travelled so far but rather that you've coutinually managed to move and impress people. It is with this realization that I reach an epiphony, that being that the entire purpose of this endevour is to bring some sort of meaning to your otherwise meaningless existences.....either that or I'm missing something, but then again seldom am I anything if not bang on so I guess I have indeed uncovered the truth. I suppose it's just as well though, for now I have a reason to take a vacation to "enjoy" your company and people might not look at me with such malice for counting you guys amongst my friends! Do I ever shut up? Apparently not, so bst of luck and keep you sticks on the ice! Your ever loving "friend" Jonesy! jonesy <[email protected]> Victoria, bc Canada - Thought for the day... "A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes" - Hugh Downs KEEP IT UP BOYS! Margaret Edmonton, AB CANADA ROCKS! - hey guys, just wanted to say what's up! and that i know that you miss me but please stop sending me roses. no means no. and what happened to the bills pj? we can't allow new england to do that. anyway wanted to make sure that you guys know that while you are out in the cold, that i am staying warm, so don't worry, you can rest peacefully now that you know i am safe. mike <[email protected]> manhattan, ks - must be hard to carry a case of beer and make good time eh boys?? we call that surrey style where i grew up. i was gonna say ride hard but your package probably hurts enough as it is. peace, good trippin boys, donnie. p.s. no matter how far you ride, jonesy can still find you donnie elliott where do i live this week, bc/ab canada - Hey man...remember me? Your mom was at our house on Thursday night for dinner. She mentioned to me you were doing this crazy trip with your bike. So I've been reading some of the stories & I'm impressed. I recently did a run for breast cancer here in town & I thought that was an accomplishment. But leave it to you to top that. I cannot remember the last time I saw you - about 10 or 15 years ago maybe? Mom & Dad want to send you their love & support. You're doing a good thing. Good luck to both of you in the many miles ahead. Kris :) Kristine Logan <[email protected]> Edmonton, AB - Hey brother, see you guys are meeting challenge with enthusiasm. Sounds like you are having a lot of fun. Enjoy it while you are still in North America. Love, Alice (your sister) alice <[email protected]> Edmonton, AB Canada - Hey PJ, great cribbage games! What you guys are doing is great! Hope you get better weather as your trip moves further south. It's 17 degrees here so be glad you're not heading this way! Best of luck and good weather! -BlackRobeMage Warren <[email protected]> West Dover, Vermont USA - Dave tickets!!!! Do you realize how excited I am for you? About as excited that I'm in plus 35 weather while you're freezing your ass off in...Kansas? You'll get me a cool souvie still, won't ya? Have fun boys, love you both al Allana <[email protected]> Byron Bay, NSW Australia - So, like hey dudes. What about some pics of the beautiful flinhills (we're talking Kansas you know). us again jean <[email protected]> Manhattan , KS USA - Greetings from the folks at Chilli's. Glad you guys stopped for some refreshments and the Super 8. Sorry Kansas weather is putting you through some paces. Happy trails from Jean and Gary. Stay cool, as if that's an option!! jean <[email protected]> Manhattan , KS USA - I see you are doing great!! Good Going!! Your mothers Halloween Party was awesome!! Talk to you again AP Allan Pawlowich <[email protected]> Edmonton, AB Canada - Wow.....I think your awesome P.J. Not just for doing this, but because your the P.J. Keep peddling and stay cool. Bobby <[email protected]> edm, ab canada - I never really knew the amount of work...physically and mentally, that it would take for you boys to accomplish this...but I do know that when I ride 30 mins on the bike at the gym I am always all sweaty and tired and I usually quit early. Soooooo, I don't think that it is possible to explain how proud I am and also how blessed I feel to have friends as determined and motivated as both you boys are. I have just finshed reading both of your journal entries and if I have one thing to tell you it is this...stop getting holes in your!! See you boys in a few months. Love, Strength and Happiness Amanda Amanda <[email protected]> Edmonton, AB Canada - hey guys this is Sandras cuz. I have been reading your journal entries and hope u get some more donations. It sounds like you are having at least a bit of I wish you good luck in your long journey ahead. Two very important things are have fun and keep smiling. Alison <[email protected]> Calgary, Alberta Canada - Hey PJ and Ian! This is CTOE throwing some hi's and goodbye's your way. Hope you guys have a fantastic voyage. Wish you the best of luck in all your endeavours. Next time your in a city that's "connected" throw some words my way. Your friend and compadre, Ctoe CTOE <[email protected]> Edmonton, AB CANADA - Dear Ian and PJ, I've been thinking about you guys ever since I met you at the restaurant in Idalia, KS. My parents and I were on our way back from a family reunion in NE and stopped in for a hot chocolate. I rode my bike from Seattle to Cape Cod a couple of summers ago and felt an immediate connection when I saw your bikes leaning against the outside of the building. I'm loving your journal entries and living vicariously through your words. I wish I could join you! I hope you two worked things out with your "disagreement." Talk about it, be patient with each other and move on. Traveling with someone 24/7 (not to mention a year and half worth of 24/7!) is probably going to be more of an accomplishment than all the mileage put together. Don't let a disagreement stand in the way of you and your dream! I rode many miles by myself just to get some space. Anyway, who am I to be giving you advice? I just guess I can relate to what you're going through...long days, sore muscles, frustrations, inclement weather, flat tires, and especially the feet feeling like planks of wood on the end of your legs. Oh boy, do I feel your pain! I also remember the incredible country, the hospitality of strangers, the simplicity of gettin up each day and riding, pancakes in the morning, and the invaluable life lessons learned by being with a best friend through thick and thin. When heading up a major climb we'd always say, "See you at the top." The others would respond, "I'll be there." And they always would be! Hang in there you two! If you're ever in the Denver area again and need a place to stay (although, I'd certainly rather stay with Parker or Reinprecht myself) let me know. May the shoulders of the road be wide and winds always be at your back. Happy riding. Wendy Miller Wendy Miller <[email protected]> Denver, CO USA - i'm so happy and proud of you dynamoes. peej, lets keep those new words comin, cause first try wasn't too bad. so good luck boyz, keep me posted.tear it up! peace Tommy C <[email protected]> etown, ab ca - Hi Ian, we have been reading about your adventures in your journal entries. Sounds like you are having a great time. We hear you are a star in the "Whitecourt Star". Your mom sent us some pictures. You look fantastic. We are very proud of you. Keep up the good work. We look forward to seeing some more interesting picture of your adventures in the USA. Say hello to PJ for us. Carla and Joe Correia <[email protected]> Toronto, ONT Canada - Holy @!$& Yeedeefreekinhaa.I don't really know what else to say. I hope you guys are havin some good times and I wish you good luck and downhill for the rest of your ride.Ride safely-Aaron aaron <don't know> edm, - Yo, wow you guyz are really movin'. I said good luck to you on your departure now I say good job on your success so far. You said your calves are huge...I believe that...and the heart to match. Chat with you guyz in a bit, see you in the movies. Piker <[email protected]> Meadow Lake, Sask. Canada - Hey PJ...I had to write and wish you good luck with this trip. Allana is so proud of you so I though I would check out the site. Bike hard, party hard and raise lots of money for a great cause. Veronika Farnell <[email protected]> Vancouver , BC Canada - Hi Ian, We are all very proud of you. Just wanted to wish you all the best in your journey. Hope you have a great time and we all want to see some more pictures posted. We'll keep in touch! Your Whole Family in T.O. Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Ed, Aunt Cecilia, Jen, and Daniel The Whole Correia family in TO <[email protected]> Mississauga, On Canada - hey guys, I heard your trip on yr radio. Very cool what you're doing. I'm really into biking myself and would LOVE to do what you guys are doing! And just remember: Failure is not failure to reach your goals, failure is failure to reach as far as you possibly can. ( i know it's a little confusing, it took me a while to get it.) Keep it up you guys! Lauren <O'coffey> Edson, Alberta Canada - Hi guys guess how again? I been listening to CJYR Radio all day they have been playing my phone interveu about yours and PJs trip, I hope that people are listening and suport the cause .It is my beleve that Whitecourt Star is going to addvertise it next week. Love mom Gloria H <[email protected]> Whitecourt, AB Canada - Hey, You Guys Rock!! I got to hear all about your interview with CBC this morning from my aunt. She said it was very well done! She didn't wake me because she figured I needed my sleep after being in a car accident last night. I am pretty much ok... toughin it out at school today regardless, I was a little disapointed I didn't hear it myself. Hope that it starts a landslide of good things to come. Let the good times roll! Lots of love, Sandra Sandra <Robinson> Deadmonton, - Good morning son me and your dad jut hourd your interveu with CBC Radio, weare very proud of you and PJ keep up the good work.Love mom and dad Gloria H <james_h@> Whitecourt, A.B - hey superstars! Ian, "keep it clean?!", seriously. Have you found god in wyoming? Ha ha. Keep those legs moving boys and you'll be in Tierra del Fuego in no time. You guys never cease to amaze me, can't wait to hear all the stories over a few drinks, especially the ones that don't make it into the journal entries. Take care. Erin <[email protected]> Cairns (for the time being), QLD Oz - Hi Ian & Paul A fantastic thing what you guys are doing. In my younger days (in the 60's) I've hitchhiked from San Diego to Seattle, and Singapore to Istanbul. Nowadays I just bike around the park. If you guys ever decide to bike thru to Asia. Come to Singapore and visit me. Have fun but do take care. Cheers Shakieb Shakieb Al Johary <[email protected]> Singapore, SG SINGAPORE - first off, happy belated birthday ian, second congarts you guys. i always knew ian could do it, but who knew pj had the drive to do it as well. haha just kidding. serously though iam so proud of you guys and what you have accomplished. best of luck. stay safe, and talk to you soon. bryna bryna <[email protected]> edmonton, alberta canada - hey , just thought Id sign in like you guys said i should. you guys ate at sanfords grub and pub in casper wy. i think its cool what you guys are doing and its for a great cause. im with you on the whole "show others that you can live your life any way they want". I am really into mtn. bikibg and i hope to do something like you guys through europe. peace. john wilking <[email protected]> casper, wy usa - Have you ever been curious about the actual dictionary definition of the word "PANNIER"... pannier/n.1.a basket,esp. one of a pair carried by a beast of burden(IAN?!?) 2.each of a pair of bags or boxes on either side of the rear wheel of a bike...Who Knew??? Wish we were there to help carry the panniers!! S&J xo Shar, jeanette,bruno, and a couple stray potatoes calgary, ab - hi guys, i hope your having fun and your little bums are firmer than ever. lots of love, sayl saylish edm, ab can - hey this is sandras little sister. i ve heard so much about u guys and ur trip. i want to wish you good luck and good times. You guys are on such an amazing trip its awsome. have fun and keep smilin.i know it may be hard at times but meh..if u lose ur batteries again pj u can contemplate things like if people could walk through walls wouldn't they also fall through floors?? good luck Kerri kerri robinson <[email protected]> mulhurst, ab - Hey. Wish I had inspirational words. Don't. Darren <[email protected]> Edmonton, - Hello guys – I must say that I am truly impressed with your willingness to succeed. Congratulations on making it this far and all the best in the days to come. Ian as much as I hate to admit this, I was wrong! And I’m glad I was wrong, you will succeed and reach your destination. I have only these words of wisdom for you: “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” Have a great time!!! Melissa Edmonton, Canada - Hey Guys, Soundslike things are going well... I knew they would. Scott & I are cheering for ya guys every step of the way. Take care of eachother. Miss you guys..Talk to ya soon. Peace & Love, Joleen & Scott Ho-leen <[email protected]> Edmonton, Alberta Canada - one in three bicyclists go impotent, look out. tammy <n/a> edmonton, alta, kanada - I wish you guys the best of luck, and have a great time. chrissy <[email protected]> Edmonton, canada - Some people's kids... well, I'm pretty much impressed by this whole deal. Not knowing you two very well, I was a closet doubter. It seemed so huge, but you've already biked far enough to cause both my legs to fall off. What can I say, I once was blind, now I see. Keep up the great work guys, and hopefully I'll be able to give you a little bit more publicity very shortly. I'll send you two an email with some questions for a story soon. If I can get it into the Journal, we can help keep those legs churning for cancer. happy trails, Jeremy Jeremy Vancouver, BC - PJ I admire your strength, courage, and ambition. I am so proud of you and so excited for all your travelling adventures you have already experienced and will experience. I love you to death and miss you tons. I'm sure you already know but live for the moment even when you may have doubts. Time slips away so fast. Thanks for the email, you touched my heart deeply, you as well are an inspration to me. I miss you, love you, and am so proud of you. Be safe, TAM tamara <[email protected]> Hamilton Island, Qld Australia - Nice work boys! Keep making us proud. Oh ya, Pj, what'd you do to your hair? And Ian, what kind of friend are you for not telling him? Miss you both Allana <[email protected]> Cairns, QLD Australia - Wow, I am really impressed!! I wish both of you luck. love Amanda Amanda <[email protected]> Edmonton, AB Canada - Hi guys, Aftermeeting you in Great Falls,Mt at the BestWestern Inn, we werevery impressed with your overall trip plans--25000km is a long trip. having just read "itsnot about bikes-its the life of Lance Armstrong" we can see you two men have the determination to succeed like Lance did over nearly impossible odds. A little tip-- carry some mace or pepper spray on your journey, especially after syou leave the usa. Good luck and God bless on this most important journey of your lives. Regards, J.R.Bozman j.r.bozman <[email protected]> Big Sky , Mt. usa - I have to admit Ian, you guys are kicking ass. Congratulations on making it to the US!! I knew you guys would give it your all and enjoy every minute of it. Happy belated b-day Ian! XOXO. Shawna <[email protected]> Edmonton, Ab - Congratulations, guys, on making it into the USA. You're both really entertaining writers so we're really having a great time sitting where it's nice and warm reading about your adventures. With almost three weeks under your belt, even though you haven't gone as far as you'd like, you've gotta be happy with what you've already overcome. All the best guys, and keep it going! Love Mom and Dad (Ian call your mother) Jim & Gloria <[email protected]> - well well well..... This is quite impressive, but i would never expect anything less from you Ian. I am amazed that you are actually going ahead with your plan, and so proud of you . Best of luck and health to you. I actaully must admit I kinda miss you already TLC P.S. I'll make ya a deal. When you get home IF I am single, wanna break that tension?? Tara <[email protected]> Edmonton, Alberta Canada - Good luck to the both of you. It was great having you in the Sip n Dip. Remember to stay there next time you are in Montana. Have a Great time!! vern <[email protected]> great falls, MT USA - Hi Ian and Paul, I'm presently up in the Yukon visiting family (my mother's 91 birthday today). I've been following your progress and trust I sold you great bikes. I'm sure you are both keeping good care of your chains (right amount of lub) and keeping the correct pressure in your tires? Have fun and keep safe, Vince from River Valley Cycle vin taylor <[email protected]> edmonton, ab canada - way to go boys! you have exceeded my expectations and i'm really proud of ya. sorry i had to make another entry peej, i'll try to keep em down to a minimum. Cheers! TC - Good Luck Boyz, my thoughts are with the both of you. Mike <[email protected]> Edmonton, Alberta Canada - PJ, I have to admit, you surprise me. Just to think that the "Supposedly" irresposible, easygoing, not a care in the world guy, would be the one to keep my brother from giving up so easily. I must admit...I'm impressed. Ian, I just read your journal entries and had to many times has PJ straightened you out when you were ready to quit. I know, I know...not the most inspirational words. God knows I love ya. I am just saying I am glad someone is there to kick your ass when you think about taking the easy way out. Anything worth having isn't easy to aquire. Hope you made it past the border ok. I look forward to reading something new everyday. I am a "meisus junkie". GODSPEED to you both. Maggie Edm, Ab Canada - remember: winners never quit, and quitters never win. ps. don't drink american beer, its all lite. say hi to smokey the bear for me. t huh? - I'm so proud of you guys. You are facing many challenges emotionally and physically. You both have soo much support and people who love you. I know you can do it. Take care of each other. A POSITIVE THINKER DOES NOT REFUSE TO ROCOGNIZE THE NEGATIVE, HE REFUSES TO DWELL ON IT. Tina P <[email protected]> Vancouver, BC Canada - You are turning mom and dad in to mush... Way to go Ian!! Good luck through the U.S. remember to take it day by day and make sure you soak in all the new sights. You'll love it! See you in 2 years! alice granberg <[email protected]> Edmonton, AB Canada - Congratulations as you get ready to cross the border. Sounds like you're getting stronger and facing and overcoming some pretty tough stuff. Keep it going and lots of luck in the USA. Love mom and dad Mom & Dad <[email protected]> - good luck in the US lads. remember that ur money is good for nothing there. head down and peddle like a mo fo! tc tee - Hi Ian, we just wanted to let you know we are proud of you. Have a blast! Sooo-long Alberta Beef. Hello U.S.A. Joe and Carla Correia <[email protected]> Toronto, ONT Canada - Way to go guys!!!! Glad to see great people doing great things for a super great cause. Wish you the best on your journeys!!! Tawnya & Dwayne McIntosh <[email protected]> Wembley, AB Canada - Ian, we are in our new house as of Saturday, our new number 437-5418. Call us. Congratulations on makign it to the US!! alice granberg <[email protected]> Edmonton, AB - I would like to say that I am not only celebrating that you two managed to make it this far but also the fact that with the hard work and determination that you two possess you'll soon have made it south of the border. In case I didn't make it clear enough you'll be in another country, and to think I never would have had to leave the province of Alberta had I known you'd be leaving the country. Oh well you always have 20/20 when you look back, anyways good luck boys, see ya in Belize! Brent Jones <[email protected]> Victoria, - first things first, how does a guy like me get to retire at twenty seven? second of all: tom, stop creeping out the ladies in our guestbook and no, this is not an opportunity to sign our guestbook, again pJ <[email protected]> South of Edmonton, It's all perception, Insanity - Good luck gents, its a long journey but something you will never forget. Take care and god speed. Chris <[email protected]> Edmonton/Waterloo, Ont, - Yesterday you dared to struggle, Today you dare to triumph! Happy Birthday Ian ... wish you were here to celebrate but as we all know that just isn't going to happen. Let your experiences be stepping stones to ultimate sucess! Stay safe and have fun. Missing you here in Edmonton!! Lots of love and encouragement!! Sandra <[email protected]> Edmonton, - Happy Birthday Ian, PJ & Ian, I hope you guys are having the time of your lives. I'd never tell Ian this but I know he'll do it. He's got determination and will power so it's possible!! I love you Ian, and want you to do well. Best wishes and happy 25. Love your better looking sister, Alice. Alice Granberg <[email protected]> Edmonton, AB Canada - Happy Birthday Ian, hope all is well. . . Take care of yourself, and if you have to turn back and return my Pj to me, i sure in the hell won't be disappointed!! You boys are amazing and i wish you all the best. (i guess i'll have a drink for your birthday tonight, you old man!!) See you in the Caymans. Christie <[email protected]> Deadmonton, - Happy Birthday Magnus! tom - Twenty five years ago we were in Geraldton hospital, today we're wondering where you are and what you're doing. Happy Birthday Love Mom and Dad Mom & Dad <[email protected]> Whitecourt, AB Canada - Well I just finished reading your last update, and once again I am so proud of ya! Just wanted to tell ya I miss you boys! Ian, happy birthday! And take care of your knees~ both of you! Love ya both! Steph Steph! <[email protected]> Edmonton, alberta Canada - hey everybody! i say we all go and get drunk at the pub to celebrate the arrival to calgary! congrats again boyz! just give me a reason to get ryetarded! just look for the retard with the backwards hat, and i'll get ya cocktail. holla tom again <[email protected]> stonehouse, - good luck ladies! make us all proud, and please, for the love of god don't get yourselves killed. focus and determination boyz! cheers! thomas J cocke tommy c <[email protected]> etown, ab ca - I want to wish you both all the best. It is an amazing and inspirational thing you do. PJ, take care of my baby brother as he can get a little "lost" at times. All my love, Ian. I know you guys can do it! Hope to see you in Florida! Margaret <[email protected]> Edmonton, Ab Canada - Good Luck, you guys will need it. Dave <[email protected]> New York, NY US - Hi All, Welcome to the guest book! Please feel free to leave us your comments, thoughts, ideas, or advices. Anything you wish really. But please keep it clean! Ian Ian Herculson <[email protected]> Edmonton, Alberta Canada -
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