Our Pictures

These are all the pictures we have taken to date. To see a description of what the picture is, please place your mouse cursor over the small images for two seconds. A description will pop up. To see the image in full size, click on the picture.

George, Wilma, Dalyce and Shawdow the god.  This is the family we stayed with in Lethbridge, Alberta Ian at the USA/Canada border PJ at the USA/Canada border. A mountain where one shouldn't be.  Montana. PJ after the monstrous climb out of Marias Valley.  Montana.
Great Falls, Montana The Bull Mountain Range in Montana. Lewiston, Montana Ian at Grassland, Montana.  This is where we turned straight south. Some Montana landscape.
PJ on top of a 13 km climb in Montana. This is a popular stretch that Pj and I do.  Montana Our first sign that snakes are around.  Southern Montana. Some beautiful views from mountain sides in Montana. Montana Mountains
That little black dot at the top of the highway is PJ walking his bike down this huge hill.  His first flat. PJ walking his bike with flat tire to the truckers who were going to help us. Our bikes are unpacked and our bags are ready to go into the big rig. Ian with Mark (left) and Russ (right).
The Rocky Mountians in the background of Casper, Wyoming. Pj in Sanfords Pub n Grill.  Casper, Wyoming. Some landscape from Douglas, Wyoming. More landscape from Douglas, Wyoming. PJ in front of the North Platte River in Wyoming.
Ian in front of the North Platte River in Wyoming. Some nice highway side mountains in Wyoming. Some more mountians in Wyoming. Leona and Joel Bachman.  They picked us up in the wind storm we were caught in.  Wyoming. The infamous Mike and good friend Scott.  These are the boys who drove us into Denver, Colorado.
A picture of downtown Denver, Colorado taken from the top floor of the Holiday in compliments of Mike. Invesco Field where the Denver Broncos play.  Denver, Colorado. Union Station in Denver, Colorado. Downtown in Denver, Colorado. PJ and Ian in the middle of the street in Denver, Colorado.
More Denver, Colorado. The Pepsi Center.  Where the Colorado Avalance play. PJ striking a hockey pose in front of the Pepsi Center. Ian and PJ with free Avalance vs. Bruins tickets compliments of Steve Reinprecht.  This was awesome! Center Ice at Pepsi Center.
Some hockey action. None other than the greatest goalie in the NHL, Patrick Roy. Coors Field.  Where the Colorado Rockies play. PJ in front of the Cowboy Mouth tour bus. The first snake sighting of the trip.  About 4 feet long.
pJ at the Kansas/Colorado border. Ian at the Kansas/Colorado border. Hunting season is declared officially open. One of the many hobbies of our mid-west neighbors. A freak snow storm delayed us.  Even the weather man was making jokes.  Norton, Kansas. Ian at the first lake we have seen on this whole trip.  God bless the change in scenery.  Lake Waconda, Kansas
pJ at Waconda Lake, Kansas. Waconda Lake, Kansas. The legend of Waconda Lake. pJ always knew that Clay County would be in Kansas.  Clay County Border, Kansas My sister Margaret told me to take some pictures of the wildlife along the trip.  Ian is surprised by what he sees here.
Ian in for a closer look at the 'Kans-Ass' and sheep.  Look at that Margaret! We are finally back in the trees and lucky us, the leaves are still green.  Leonardville, Kansas. Pj thinks taking pictures of himself, is actually doing YOU a favor just cause you get to look at it! Ian, Pj and Mike at Chillis in Manhattan, Kansas.  Thanks Mike for the great night out and the free Chillis...yum. Ian with new biker friend Dave.  Would you look how happy we are.  Kansas City, Missouri.
Pj in front of the Harry Truman Resevoir.  My god would you look at that fro.  Osceola, Missouri. Ian in front of the Harry Truman Resevoir.  Get a hair cut?  No way.  Osceola, Missouri. Harry Truman Resevoir.  Osceola, Missouri. Us with Geoff at his bike store, Sunshine Bike Ship.  Springfield, Missouri. From left to right, Gary, Ian, Cindy, Doug, Pj, Hoss.
Pj, Hoss, and Chad.  Look at how partied out I am.  Dallas, Texas. Ian, Hoss, and Chad.  Look at how partied out I am.  Dallas, Texas. American Airlines Stadium.  The Dallas Stars play here.  Dallas, Texas. City Center of Dallas, Texas. City Center of Dallas, Texas.
I thought I would give you a close up of how I look when I don't have crazy messed up hair from biking.  Here you go.  Man, I see what the chicks dig in me. The Louisiana Bayou. Cane River, Missouri. Pj in front of some nice architecture.  Louisiana The Bridge over the Atchafalaya River.  Louisiana
Atchafalaya River.  Louisiana. The Mississippi River.  Louisiana. On route to the KOA campground. Denham Springs,  Louisiana. On route to the KOA campground.  Denham Springs, Louisiana. Pj at the KOA campground. Denham Springs,  Louisiana.
Ian at the KOA campground. Denham Springs,  Louisiana Denham Springs, Louisiana Pj at the Mississippi Border. Ian at the Mississippi Border. Pj with old frisbee.  Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.
Pj with new frisbee.  Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. Pj at the Gulf of Mexico.  Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. Ian at the Gulf of Mexico.  Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. Pj and Ian at the Gulf of Mexico.  Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.